Sunday, February 24, 2013

My little crawler

I know I keep saying it, but I really think that this is the funnest (yes, I am pretty sure that's not a real word) age. Each day seems to bring new experiences and new learning opportunities.

One of her favorite places to sneak off to is Shelby's crate. She thinks it's pretty funny to close the door and not let me in

We rearranged the room to give Tillie this little play area. Now I am able to watch her better while I am in the kitchen and she has all her favorite toys in one place.

She has learned to climb. She climbs into her chair, into the laundry basket and her personal favorite, on top of the open dishwasher. She did this all by herself, while I had my back turned.

Imagine this little scrunchy face with a snorting noise. It's her new thing;)

Tillie loves her puppy and kitty so much. She can woof like a dog and meow like a cat.

I already find myself pushing Tillie to grow up too fast. She is almost 13 months now and still hasn't started walking yet. One on hand, I am glad that my baby is staying a baby just a bit longer. On the other hand, I worry that she is behind in this important milestone. (Oh no, I have become THAT parent) The rational part of me knows that we probably have a few months before I should really worry about that kind of thing. I know she could do it if she wanted to, but this girl got her momma's stubborn genes. She has learned that crawling is fast and efficient and has no intention of walking unless it is on her own terms!

I love watching my sweet girl crawling after the dog, her toys and all over the house. I love making dinner and feeling her little fingers tug on the bottoms of my jeans, asking to be picked up and placed on the counter. I love the shocked, but elated expression on her face and the squeals of delight when I sneak up behind her and grab her around the belly as she is crawling away from me. I know that this won't last forever, so for now, I will soak up every ounce of her babyness.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this has so many new tricks of hers. I love the climbing (her daddy did thid too) and the pigtails and the doggie cage trick and all the surprising things that she is/does. While looking sweet as sugar.
