Thursday, March 21, 2013

Baby Pedicures

Well, it has been a killer last 2 weeks, but I finally finished my school. I will be a BSN nurse! And maybe someday I will even get a job;) But for right now, I am loving the time that I get to spend at home with my girl. I must be the luckiest mom ever to have such an amazing husband to provide for us, so I can stay home with her as long as I want. And at least until he finishes the fire academy.

Spring is coming (actually today is the first day of Spring, although it's currently hailing outside) and it was time that Tillie got her first pedicure.

Is there anything cuter than pretty purple polish on pudgy baby toes? (say that 5x fast)...Nope, I don't think so. Tillie is ready for saltwater sandals and sundresses.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Daddy Weekends

 Brett is working Monday through Thursday right now while he is in the fire academy. It sounds like an easy schedule and I am SO glad he has 3 day weekends (I think I might actually die otherwise), but he is still busy on the weekends with homework. Even though he has lots of studying to do (and me too), we try to plan one fun family thing each weekend even if it is just a simple trip to the park. It is too easy for the time off to just slip away without actually spending quality time together if we aren't careful (which happens to be both of our love languages). So yes, we plan.

Of course, Shelby's gotta get out too.

This girl is FEARLESS. We just set her up on the platform and she scoots her little tooshie up to the point of no return. Then she squeals and laughs. And wants to do it again.

I think she might actually be catching some air in this one.

Uh, are you sure about this?

I love what the slide does to her hair!!

 Of Course, we love our quiet (maybe that's not the best word?) moments at home too. Brett is all set up in his study spot on the couch and Tillie plays on the floor, stopping in for some Daddy cuddles every few minutes.

When the weekend is over, I am left with a messy, neglected house, which is so worth it. Blah Mondays. Mondays stink. Hurry up weekend!