Monday, February 25, 2013

Pudding Skin

Today was one of those rainy monday mornings when you just want to stay in bed all day and have a Disney movie marathon. When we were both still in our jammies at 11:00, but it was too early for lunch, I declared it a warm banana pudding kinda morning. Tillie sat on the counter and helped me stir (one of her favorite things to do).

A friend of mine was talking about pudding skin a while ago. I had no idea that people actually ate that. I always scrape it off and throw it out or put a piece of plastic wrap over it so it never happens in the first place. It just looks gross. But this time, I allowed the yucky skin to form, scraped it off and ate it! Pure banana deliciousness. How did I not know about this secret before? I have a feeling this would be one of those things that would disgust the begeezus out of me if I were pregnant...But for now, Bring on the pudding skin!
My picky little eater only had a few bites of hers. She doesn't know what she's missing. Of course, I helped her out and finished off her bowl of pudding and bananas;)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My little crawler

I know I keep saying it, but I really think that this is the funnest (yes, I am pretty sure that's not a real word) age. Each day seems to bring new experiences and new learning opportunities.

One of her favorite places to sneak off to is Shelby's crate. She thinks it's pretty funny to close the door and not let me in

We rearranged the room to give Tillie this little play area. Now I am able to watch her better while I am in the kitchen and she has all her favorite toys in one place.

She has learned to climb. She climbs into her chair, into the laundry basket and her personal favorite, on top of the open dishwasher. She did this all by herself, while I had my back turned.

Imagine this little scrunchy face with a snorting noise. It's her new thing;)

Tillie loves her puppy and kitty so much. She can woof like a dog and meow like a cat.

I already find myself pushing Tillie to grow up too fast. She is almost 13 months now and still hasn't started walking yet. One on hand, I am glad that my baby is staying a baby just a bit longer. On the other hand, I worry that she is behind in this important milestone. (Oh no, I have become THAT parent) The rational part of me knows that we probably have a few months before I should really worry about that kind of thing. I know she could do it if she wanted to, but this girl got her momma's stubborn genes. She has learned that crawling is fast and efficient and has no intention of walking unless it is on her own terms!

I love watching my sweet girl crawling after the dog, her toys and all over the house. I love making dinner and feeling her little fingers tug on the bottoms of my jeans, asking to be picked up and placed on the counter. I love the shocked, but elated expression on her face and the squeals of delight when I sneak up behind her and grab her around the belly as she is crawling away from me. I know that this won't last forever, so for now, I will soak up every ounce of her babyness.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Under the sea

I am taking a break from facebook and it's distractions for a while. Although it is great for keeping in touch with friends, it makes it very hard to get homework done. I will probably return to it after school is over, but for now I am focusing on my school and my family. I kinda let this blog go after starting it, but I plan on posting in here more. I am by no means a writer. At. All. But it is nice to write more than one or two sentences at a time.

 Even though Brett started his first day of work at the fire department on Tillie's actual birthday, I still wanted to do something fun to celebrate. So while he was working hard, we went to the aquarium! And we took Grandpa with us. My dad has a 100 gallon tank at home so I think she thought she was looking at his fish. She loved it though!

 We fed the sting rays chopped up fish (eww) and touched the sharks! They were so soft!

My poor baby will probably be traumatized for life by this shark:( What was Grandpa thinking? Probably the same thing he was thinking when he held me up to the bear paw sticking through the ceiling at the zoo when I was little. I am still afraid of that polar bear cave. I have a feeling Tillie will not be a fan of Shark Week!

Tillie Turns 1

The spread
Cupcakes made by my good friend and so yummy!
It only took my about 3 weeks after the party to follow up with the blog post. Maybe that is because I am in denial that my sweet baby girl has actually turned 1. It's official. She is a toddler and no longer an infant. As sad as it makes me to say that, I know that the future only brings even more happy times. I can't wait to watch this little girl grow!

I spent hours upon hours making 16 of these little top hats so of course I made everyone wear them!

The progression of Tillie's month photos

Opening presents

Tillie loved all her presents but this kitty was the big winner. She goes everywhere. It's only been a few weeks and the kitty's face is already a dingy brown color.

The mad hatter, queen of hearts and Alice!

First of many cakes to come, made by Daddy

She loves her new recliner from mommy and daddy. My mom brought me this dress a few days before the party. It is the same dress I wore on my first birthday. Could it be any more "Alice"?

The party was many hours of work in the making, but it was a huge success! She had so much fun! Everyone says that she won't remember her first birthday anyway. Maybe that is true, but I will remember. And we have the pictures to show for it. One day, she will ask about her first birthday and I will sit down with her and show her all of the decorations, the cake, the presents and the people who came to celebrate with us. That makes it all worth it :)